| 1. | In theory, political parties could provide the cohesive force to balance the centrifugal influences of a fragmented committee system . 从理论上来说,政党可以提供一种内聚力来牵制分散的委员会体系的离心力。
| 2. | On increase in cohesive force of chinese nation 试论20世纪中华民族凝聚力的增强
| 3. | Development of an enterprise depends on its cohesive force 企业发展要靠增强企业凝聚力
| 4. | The downfall of qin dynasty : the absence of social cohesive force 凝聚力的缺乏与秦的速亡
| 5. | On the main factor of affecting cohesive force 浅淡影响凝聚力的主要因素
| 6. | Cohesive force is crucial to the development of an enterprise 企业要发展?凝聚力是关键。
| 7. | On national belief and national cohesive force 论民族信仰与民族凝聚力
| 8. | About enhancing the cohesive force of the chinese nationality 关于增强中华民族凝聚力的思考
| 9. | The chinese nation ' s cohesive force and the non - party intellectuals 中华民族凝聚力与非党知识分子
| 10. | The interaction of united front and chinese nation ' s cohesive force 中国现代物流业发展中的问题及对策